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approaching girls for the first time

approaching girls for the first time

I agree with what others have said. You just need to DO IT. Talking to girls is a lot like writing. I'm a novelist and I hear all the time writers who say, "I don't know what to say! What if people think it is stupid? What if people don't like it? What if someone laughs at my effort? What if I fail?"

You can't think this way either with game or writing. That's the critical voice talking. You need to get into CREATIVE voice and the only way to do that is to always be looking forward, never back. Write the first sentence. Then the next. Talk to the first girl, then the next. Soon you will know that your subconsious fears are nothing but a complex form of stage fright. When you no longer fear the unknown (hard to do, I know), your winning personality and sense of humor will win them over. Sure, some girls will flake. That's normal even for those who've mastered game for years.

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