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The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (03-22-2014 02:14 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Meet girl from Tinder last weekend. We share some drinks, shes asks for appetizers I straight up ignore what she says. We have about 3 drinks, laugh and talk and have a great night. We make out a little bit, nothing big, good kisser, attractive, nice body, 27 Bajan. After the date she texts immediately, tells me how great it was to meet me, etc etc. Texts me all weekend, excessive but girls like this usually do this when they are into me. Thats why this one was confusing. I try to play it cool but she texts all the time, my massage therapist told me to text her back and say goodnight. So I did, and asked her out again, she says come over to my place and cook for me. At 6pm I shoot her a confirm text, no answer, no answer. Flake.

This went from 2nd date bang to a complete flake. Who knows why, probably because I texted her when I should have held off for a few days, listened to my well intentioned masso who's a chick herself and sentimental. I blocked her on Tinder after the date to try and build a sliver of mystery, didnt seem to work. Who cares, next.

EXACT same experience here.

I suspect the sheer volume of Tinder attention renders the price of male attention lower than ever, tending towards zero.

I have no idea how to circumvent this problem: I'm hopelessly busy right now and behind schedule, so I don't have time for much at the moment, but my battle plan is to cut my own costs to a minimum, ie. avoid bars or public meet-ups entirely and just invite her straight to my place. All I need to do is stock up on the bar, buy some quality ingredients, get some good speakers, work my magic, see what happens.

A year from now you'll wish you started today

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