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A good wingman will make your game better

A good wingman will make your game better

This obviously goes without saying, as anyone you allow to wing you should enhance your game, and never hinder it, but if you happen to come across one with the same mindset as you?

I've been trying to get other friends of mine to fall-in and lead this type of lifestyle, and while teaching is a good way to gauge where your own game is at, you can't turn a pupil with a lack of desire into a pick-up master.

I've found myself in a new situation, where I consider myself the mid-level disciple, on his way to being an established whore, learning from a seasoned pro. He's pointed out a few leaks in my game already, and I can tell my game is getting tighter.

I know it's not an option for everyone, and I know some of you are already pros, but I'd advise everyone else to find a friend like this (you may already have one) and learn as much as you can from that dude, and your game will be razor sharp by the end of the Summer.

EDIT: Wow, Gmac wrote nearly the exact same thing on his blog, check it out!

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