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McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle

Quote: (03-20-2014 11:35 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

I have a post around here from a looonnngggg time ago about that.

Sales IS game.

And you are selling yourself all day, every day whether you are considered a "salesman" or not.

Those that sell themselves the best do the best in life and business.

Those that can't sell themselves or have nothing to offer dig ditches.

Really glad to see your posts in this thread.

I think that it's disingenuous to the game concepts to say that you mainly work on lifestyle with minimal attention to game (as well as the opposite).

Lifestyle will absolutely help you when it comes to picking up girls.

Game will absolutely help you when it comes to picking up girls.

Do you know what the beauty is?

There is a LARGE component of building your lifestyle, it's called game.

There is a LARGE component of having the ultimate game, it's called lifestyle.

Both together, you will kill it in life.

Isn't that what McQueen and WestCoast and WCW (and others) are advocating, really?

The difference is only in how people define what they really want as their lifestyle.

It's not just money for some
It's not just pussy for others
Happiness is what we all ultimately want, we just define it based on our own goals.

P.S. Also, just to clarify, when I say that building your lifestyle requires a significant amount of game:

This is perhaps the single biggest thing I see missing from WestCoast's argument for lifestyle, that building that kind of lifestyle actually incorporates a lot of game, just not necessarily the portion of game involving getting pussy. We've talked plenty on these forums about how you can use game in the workplace and in other aspects of your life. I think this argument is a little moot when you look at it this way.

P.P.S. I also agree with WestCoast with regards to priorities changing as your income/lifestyle opportunies change. I look forward to utilizing his advice as well as the other great members advice on this board as money is definitely my weakest area (and I'm not even that great at game). I am grateful and excited that there's this resource for us and hope to meet and enrich others lives from this forum as you all have mine.

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