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McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle

WC - oh, I'm not getting taken down by the tail anytime soon! I thought I already confessed that I had a VERY expensive divorce and now don't get to see my son nearly enough.

My main therapy for myself is actually stumbling across this board and realizing there is a whole community of like minded people. I've packed my Kindle with most of Roosh's stuff, but now that I've burned through it am reading stuff from the "those who bought this book also read...".

I can honestly say that I don't read any of this stuff for PUA tips, I feel like whatever I'm doing seems to be working and really have no need to make adjustments (but, see how it works for others). I see the PUA guys as a sales coach, those of us really good at sales don't need a coach, but those that aren't good at it will benefit from a coach.

My main benefit has been realizing just how messed up things have become for the man that gets suckered into "manning up", and as such I'm a junkie for reading anything about red pill philosophy.

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