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McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle

McQueen's 'Meltdown' Rant On Game vs. Lifestyle

I'll leave the the thread with this email I literally received today with the name deleted to protect his identity.

"A few months ago I got dumped by my girlfriend of almost 3 years. I was lost, I hadn't wanted to go out and chase tail forever it seemed like. All I wanted to do was get back my "special girl".

That is, until I discovered your site. I have read every article on there, and scoured ReturnofKings for your articles, and others.

Sir you have changed my life, I went from being a pitiful, depressed loser to going out at night fully expecting to get laid. Your style, lifestyle, and most of all: game tips have been indispensable in bettering myself as a man. I'm nowhere near the level of an alpha playboy, but I am well on my way. I don't mean to be a kiss ass but dammit man you changed my life, and I am forever grateful. I look forward to reading more of your work."

But I'm just making threads for "click-bait". Right.

I'm taking a break from the forum of my own doing. If anyone needs to reach me, you know where to find my email.

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