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The Ultimate Truth Of Our Age: There Are No Consequences For Women

The Ultimate Truth Of Our Age: There Are No Consequences For Women

Quote: (03-15-2014 05:02 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

^ In what age or time have women been able to marry the man they "really" want? That's not a consequence of their life choices, it's just a consequence of hypergamy itself (always desiring the top % - not possible for everyone to have one of the "top" husbands).

Women have historically been able to come much closer to marrying "the man they really want" than they do now. Why? Aside from the fact that marriage was more of a priority and her expectations were not nearly as great (read: fewer girls feeling entitled to twilight fantasy), there was also the simple fact that women were settling down sooner.

Women are waiting longer now and have expectations that are more heavily divorced from reality. That means a larger number of women missing the boat on getting a decent guy and either getting no man at all or a man vastly inferior to what they could have gotten.


Women learning to settle for a man is an old theme you often see repeated in literature. But before, if a woman had a drunken romp at her town's bar, there would still be the threat of pregnancy or STD's, let alone possible social humiliation. In today's world none of those consequences exist.

What you say here confirms that there are fewer consequences for women than there have historically been, not zero consequences.
There is a large difference between these two things.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

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