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The Ultimate Truth Of Our Age: There Are No Consequences For Women

The Ultimate Truth Of Our Age: There Are No Consequences For Women

I just want to add one more thing...

In the end, it is the kids who suffer the most. We red pill men can avoid all this crap.

Kids are stuck with it. A tired bitchy mommy who never plays with them and is more worried about reality trash TV than their own kids. A school system that seems much more like a prison full of teachers just hoping to crush the kid's dreams. A country with less and less job opportunities. Thank GOD I graduated college when I did. There were actually jobs available back then and they paid me enough to get ahead financially by my 30's. A country where the single mother ghetto continues to spread into the suburbs. And on top of all that, a shit load of national debt and little to no inheritance.

Kids today in the USA are up shit creek without a paddle. Even the kids from stable upper middle class families. They are all in the same boat and that boat is sinking due to the disaster that is feminism.

At this point in my life, what I want to live beyond my time on earth is to pass down the knowledge to future men that giving women the right to vote is the greatest evil ever unveiled on this earth. Because the damage it does to future generation is beyond true analysis.

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