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The Ultimate Truth Of Our Age: There Are No Consequences For Women

The Ultimate Truth Of Our Age: There Are No Consequences For Women

There are serious consequences for women. Yes, they can easily get sex and get spineless men or the government to provide for them. But very few women these days get what they really want: commitment from an alpha male.

In a healthier society women's sexuality is restricted and controlled by her father, who prevents her from getting used by charming, confident, irresponsible cads and gets her married ASAP to a decent, stable, hardworking provider. Up until 1980 the average age of marriage for women had never gone above 22 - for good reason.

Now, as we all know, women reject the decent, hardworking betas and get pumped and dumped by alphas from 16-30. They are delusional and think that sexual attention from alphas means these men might actually commit. This leads to ridiculous expectations which can never come true.

I know lots of well-educated, upper-middle class women in their twenties, and even by early to mid twenties many of these girls cannot get relationships from the men they want, let alone marriage. These single women are all batshit insane, and becoming crazier. They've fallen for the lie that their career will lead to fulfillment and that they can easily get married whenever they want (despite failing to even get relationships), but they are in for a very rude awakening as they head towards their thirties.

This current generation of women will be the most miserable ever.

They blame their misery on men, of course, rather than taking personal responsibility for their terrible decisions. I think they're right. Men in the past failed the societal shit test of feminism and female suffrage, and we are all reaping the consequences now. The two or three generations of men before us spinelessly gave in to women's demands in the hopes of sniffing some pussy. [Image: dodgy.gif]

However, the shittiness of current society is a wake up call for men to reclaim our masculinity. More and more men are finding the Manosphere and learning the forgotten wisdom we weren't taught growing up: assertive masculinity, authority and dominance.

The next few years or decades will be very exciting. [Image: angel.gif]

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