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The Ultimate Truth Of Our Age: There Are No Consequences For Women

The Ultimate Truth Of Our Age: There Are No Consequences For Women

Lots of great points made in this thread.

#1) I agree, as of right now men are suffering FAR more than women in the USA. But the good thing is more and more men are waking up. More and more websites popping up full of men sick of this bullshit system. A system that tells them they have to do all the work and get no reward. More and more men in passing say things that I never heard 10 years ago... "all they can do is make kids, they need to shut up and stay home" from random strangers.

#2) But those on top are either extremely stupid or extremely evil. I don't know which. They are either so stupid to think that the beta males will continue to pay into this bullshit system as they keep fucking them over more and more. Or they are so evil they are doing it on purpose to de-populate the earth. Feminism both de-populates the earth and it prevents beta males from being free enough to challenge alpha males.

#3) This cannot continue much longer. And when it does collapse, most likely under the weight of our national debt, women will be crushed. They will either be forced to submit or they will starve.

IMO, the whole root cause of this was giving women the right to vote. If any advice I can give will go on beyond my life to future generations of men... NEVER give women the right to vote. Once you do, you society will collapse.

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