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How much are you paying for health insurance?

How much are you paying for health insurance?

Quote: (03-13-2014 10:57 PM)ridiculous_nicholas Wrote:  

$387/month for a platinum plan. $500 deductible, $1000 max out of pocket. My company's plan was about $550 a month (for a worse plan) and they subsidized 90% of it. With Obamacare they gave us the opportunity to stay with the company plan or get our own and get an extra $500 a month, post tax. Worked out pretty well for me.

If you are in the US, you NEED to have health insurance. I don't care if its the cheapest, shittiest plan out there. Not only will insurance stop you from financial ruin, it will guarantee you get a good level of care. I'm extremely healthy, hadn't been to the doctor in years, haven't called in sick to work for a decade. Last year I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. All said and done my treatment probably came to $70,000.

Yes, a 'catastrophic' insurance plan is a good choice above going with nothing at all, the rates are low (I pay 70/mo). You can get one with up to a $12000 deductible and use it with an HSA savings account (which doubles as a retirement account at age 65 and has tax benefits). Its the best of both worlds, imho.

1. It lets you pay cash for cheap things, and hospitals/docs give insane discounts for cash vs. insurance. My last visit to emerg at a hospital was a $800 bill, they discounted it to $450 when i said I would pay on the spot.

2. Its no shared/co pay after you cross the deductible, so if you have a 900,000 hospital stay, you pay 12,000 end of story.

If you have chronic health problems, its probably not the best. Thats when you should look to immigrate to Canada.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

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