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Gut Bacteria & the Brain

Gut Bacteria & the Brain

Quote: (02-27-2014 11:51 PM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2014 08:50 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2014 05:39 PM)Bad Hussar Wrote:  

This is interesting. Never heard about this type of gut-brain connection before.

I took a strong (many strains) pro-biotic for around a month, but experienced no subjective benefits so did not get another months supply. May have to investigate further and maybe give them more of a chance.

Do members who use probiotics regularly feel that it is very dose dependent? Do you think that increasing the dose may provide benefits not available with a regular dose?

It's a 90 day process for some, plus many pro-biotics don't work because many don't set their gut with a Pre-pro-biotic. Your gut won't recognize the new organisms and will flush them, so you have to set up that response by setting up food that the new organisms (pro-biotics) will eat and survive on. It's a common mistake many make with pro-botic treatments, but it's a important step to start to see the benefits of pre-biotics in full.

Bro-science recognised.

So I should trust your word since your a MD... or the natural food store owner whom told me this whom has been doing this for 30 plus years?

He sells Pro-biotics because clueless soccer moms like to buy them and it makes him money. But when I asked about them and more info, he said unless your pairing them with a Pre its useless, and then went into a long discussion about the relationship between them, the non-digestive food factor, gut flora, etc, etc.

Pro-Biotics need food. Pro-biotic products aren't symbiotic and need some type of pre-biotic to live on and grow in your gut.

What most people do is just take the pro-biotic, or simply stop a symbiotic program when they start to "feel" better, which is usually after 3 weeks with lets say just Yogurt or Kefir. Its better to stay on it consistently to see the full benefits trough in other areas of the body since gut health is so closely linked to other parts of the body.

Honey is actually a good Pre-biotic I should mention also.

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