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Is There A Point Of Diminishing Returns On Weightlifting And Attracting Girls?

Is There A Point Of Diminishing Returns On Weightlifting And Attracting Girls?

Being lean is the only sure ticket 90% of the time whether its like Soccer player or Levine skinny, or up to a jacked running back. My cousin is 6' 1" and only 160, and hot girls are constanly drooling over his shirtless fb photos. Obv, hes not very strong, but lean.

once you're 8-10% bf with a modicom of muscle you will look defined. After that it is personal preference. Cartonishly jacked people fill a niche IMO thst turns a small group of girls on hard (like that super hot reporter with the jacked dude). I think you will find European girls like a smaller look where american girls, esp fitness conscious ones go for the jacked guys.

I think in the end you will never impress all girls, so be the shape you feel most confident with.

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