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Is There A Point Of Diminishing Returns On Weightlifting And Attracting Girls?

Is There A Point Of Diminishing Returns On Weightlifting And Attracting Girls?

Ok. Reading these posts has been interesting.

I'll say this.

To answer the OP, no, I don't think being jacked equates to diminishing returns, all else being equal.

Prime example is Alistair Overeem from UFC, my fav fighter. That dude is brolic as fuck (beat Brock Lesnar) but I always see him with bad bitches (more than any other guy in the sport). This dude always stays with something new.

[Image: photobucket.png]

[Image: 941674_600239243327529_1821875665_n_zpsd39142a2.jpg]

But then you have guys like Mick Jagger, whose biography I read last year. Skinny fuck smashed over 4,000 women in his life, many of whom found him irresistible. Think about that number. That's basically a new bitch everyday for at least ten years.

I mean the anecdotes were crazy. Bad bitches saying he was their greatest lover. Even former French President Sarkozy went to great lengths to keep Jagger away from his circles in Paris (he used to date Sarkozy's current former model wife back in her prime).

I think above all, bitches like bread. I'll never forget the time last year when I was at Lavo in NYC (high end nightclub) and saw this obese couch potato in a t-shirt and jeans, tennis shoes, acne on his face, step outside with a 10/10 Heidi Klum in her prime bad model bitch. They were making out much to the horror of everyone around. Only $ explains shit like that.

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