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Is There A Point Of Diminishing Returns On Weightlifting And Attracting Girls?

Is There A Point Of Diminishing Returns On Weightlifting And Attracting Girls?

Quote: (01-30-2014 02:23 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Symmetry and being proportionate are important. If you guys want to know what women like, just ask them.

I don't need to ask them. Women don't have anything interesting to tell me about attraction.

I have banged girls as far as a 15 years younger than me and 10 years above my age. Banged a girl as quickly as 5 minutes.

When a woman outright comes and molests me (witnessed by McQueen and DVY), then I know what she wants. Not first time that has happened, either.

When I bang a girl within 5 minutes of meeting her at a pool part, I know what women want.

When I'm with my girl and get solicited for a threesome at a pool party or bar (has happened multiple times), I know what girls want.

When my friends who are more jacked than I get solicited for sex and threesomes, I know what women want.

When I am lounging with a friend who is "too big" by most forum guys standards and a hot girl comes up and says, "No offense to you [me], but you [my friend] don't even look real," then I know what women want.

When women come up to that same guy and say, "We just had to meet you," well, I know what women want.

It ain't skinny boys. It's men who look like gladiators with broad shoulders, narrow waists, and a dominant physical presence.

There's a point of diminishing returns, but less than 1% of guys need to "worry" about getting there.

That said, I don't know any man who is in the fitness lifestyle solely to get girls. You don't push yourself through the rigors of training to get laid. You do it for a whole host of other reasons (anger issues, a form of therapy, narcissism, the desire to have a project, a vision for yourself, and on and on).

Women are just a byproduct of the lifestyle.

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