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D&P Podcast: Anabolic Steroid Questions Answered

D&P Podcast: Anabolic Steroid Questions Answered

Quote: (01-28-2014 08:06 PM)mikeymike Wrote:  

Interesting, I only dabbled with static holds but never consistently or for long enough to get a true picture of what they could do. At the time of my run I was on something either dbol or var most likely that was giving me crippling pumps as is so the static holds were just misery I couldn't compound on top. Do you think it holds the same value for an enhanced athlete?

I had an enhanced guy ask me for honest feedback after a fitness competitor show (he won). Said his back was undersized. The judges said the same thing.

I put him on static holds and 1 and 1/3 reps and ran him through my back workout. His back is ridiculous now.

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