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Mixx does Dallas....

Mixx does Dallas....

Those typically really are good targets once you do meet them...and they're in abundance for the cities we live in.

Annoying Transplants -
1) Some chick from the Midwest - Comes to Dallas, dies her hair blonde, becomes a part of the pretentious crowd, and classifies herself as a Dallas-ite. Likely has a bitch shield...but if you're still conversing with's good for a hookup...

2) California girl. Resentful about being in Texas. Insinuates that people in TX don't know how to camp or enjoy the outdoors like they do in California. Can be decent to good looking...but thirsty simps here pedestalizes her just on the basis that she is from California therefore increasing her ego exponentially. Not worth my time as those aren't my type = walk away....(unless she's divorced meaning eager for random hookup haha)

3) Just moved into town and is working as some entry level advertising/marketing/PR firm while barely being able to afford a shared apartment in Uptown/Oak Lawn with no job security before moving back home somewhere. These are the types that are more interested in just reliving their college days with the same people from their past, but just in a big city setting. Likely the least attainable, but there are so many options of transplants so why waste time on their cliques.

Dallas is known for guys that are a cross breed of 1) yuppie and 2) hipster. I call them yupsters...(I guess I'm kind of one myself though not as douchey lol). There's been a very bad case of these dudes hanging out with groups of 2-3 chicks doing everything he can to cockblock you. They used to be harmless, but are upping that wall. I'll get a chance to decipher those situations tomorrow night haha.

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