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Living in Manila...

Living in Manila...

Today is a happy day in RVF brotherhood!

[Image: grouphug.gif]

I get a message from Fox McCloud...

Fox McCloud - "Hey have you fucked this girl? (facebook profile link)"
DirectDanger - "Yes I fucked that girl. Feel free to have at it"
Fox McCloud - "Ok, I'm going to try to fuck her this week"
DirectDanger - "Soon we will be eskimo brothers!"
Fox McCloud - "She's down tonight. But I'm seeing somebody already"
DirectDanger - "What a tough life. hmmmm... which girl should I fuck? You are living the good life bro!"

I get a text last night from Fox McCloud...
8pm - "Hey I am seeing her tonight"
10pm - "Done!"

[Image: cqegO1tl.png]

Just to be a little bit of a dick I send her a text around 11pm.

DirectDanger - "Hey... What are you doing tonight?"

I had a girl over and I don't look at my phone until the next morning.

Girl -
"So?? I know what youre thinking"
"can we at least talk?"
"can we at least talk?"
"DirectDanger come on???"
"Look, anway this is going nowhere I know. Might at least tell you now. I really like you. I really really really do. I'm sorry. I really am."

Not exactly sure if her response means she knows she fucked one of my buddies or not. Girls often ask me if I have friends here and I tell them about my buddy Fox McCloud but fuck if I can remember what my conversation was with that girl. I can't remember which girl I tell what.

It could also be her realization that the two times I ever text her is at 11pm to come hang out straight to my condo to fuck and then make her leave. Then every time she ask me to go do something outside my condo I just ignore her.

But don't worry - she really really likes me!
These bitches be crazy.

Just to clarify - My guess is I am Eskimo Brothers with several other RVF guys at this point. But this is the first girl I can confirm!

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