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Living in Manila...

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-15-2014 11:50 AM)YardDog Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2014 08:51 AM)Irishman Wrote:  

Great thread guys. I think I might make a trip later this year.

Don't want to derail this thread but have any of ye checked out the local surf conditions?

I know its mostly classic typhoon swells and is flat from May till September but the rest of the year should be good.


Yes, PI has epic surf when it's on. The thing is it's not as consistent as say a Central Mex or Central America. Ideal seasons are short.

PM me for details as I've taken a couple trips here so far. I absolutely scored back in Oct in Siargao. That place is epic when it's on. Heavy reefs and hollow waves all up and down the coast of the island. Got my ass handed to me, in a good way. lol.

But the season for ideal winds plus swell is short in Siargao. Right now it has swell, but bad wind/weather for instance. Still some windows to be had but you could also go there and get skunked and sit in rain for 2 weeks.

I also did some surfing in West Coast Luzon but it wasn't anything compared to the Pacific Islands. Samar also has epic surf in season but a number of the surf towns there were wiped out from Yolanda. Amazingly Siargao came out unscathed. East coast Luzon is supposed to be pretty good too.

Best season for Pacific surfing is Mid August to Dec for weather, but has swell until Mar (but bad weather dec-mar). Summer is flat over there. West coasts get nov-apr north swells but it's weaker.

Search for Philippine surfing and you'll find sites with lots of details. Yeoooow..hahaha

very rarely do I post here but I can cosign all of this

I lived in Siargao for 6 months last year.

I'm very jealous that you had the chance to be there last october as my local friends have rated this last surf season as one of the best they've ever witnessed. Hope you scored some bombs !

If the wind condition is unfavorable in around the cloud 9 area, try heading up north. The northern tip of the island gives you decent options depending on onshore/offshore winds.

I love this place and plan on buying a piece of land there in the future.

Might I ask what resort you stayed at YardDog ?

Irishman feel free to PM me for more informations. You should DEFINITELY give Siargao a shot. Place is a fucking paradise.

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