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Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Quote: (01-17-2014 12:55 PM)Sawyer Wrote:  

That chick wants to get banged out so bad.

All those emotions she's spewing are just fodder to be managed. She's begging to be proven wrong on the outside but begging to be proven right on the inside.

I'd take this over a smirk and ignore any day.

Hate is not the opposite of love. Indifference is.

I dunno about you guys, but when a chick isn't interested in me, she stops talking to me or keeps her responses as minimalist as possible. This chick is clearly VERY engaged in the conversation.

She's toxic no doubt, but she is vulnerable to good game. Good Looking Loser could have turned this ship around if he tried. I suspect he was just so surprised, plus he knew he was getting hilarious footage, so he didn't bother riding out her little shitstorm.

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