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Let's present the next to be independant states/provinces and why they are unique

Let's present the next to be independant states/provinces and why they are unique

Montreal's a great place that will be less great if it breaks away from Canada. All you have to do is look at this debate over the "Charter of Values" - pettiness will rule, and the bureaucratic tyranny about using English will increase. I walked by a rally in favor of this Charter when I was in Montreal a couple of months ago - the crowd looked old, white, fat and angry.

I read somewhere, maybe here, that Montreal lost a lot of financial and other business to Toronto over the last 40 years because of the uncertainty caused by separatism. Seems like common sense to me.

The big winner could be the USA, which might pick up a few provinces from a divided Canada.

Same thing with the other separatist movements - what's the sense of splitting off when you're all in the same EU boat anyways? All you're doing is decreasing economies of scale by having to maintain separate armed forces, diplomatic and immigration and border control.

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