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Don Juan, Oedipus and The Game

Don Juan, Oedipus and The Game

Quote: (12-29-2013 08:54 PM)AntiTrace Wrote:  

Quote: (12-29-2013 08:26 PM)soup Wrote:  

However, it would be interesting if there was a link between guys being gay and not having strong father figures while they were growing up.

It can go both ways (see what I did there?).

I had a gay guy hit on me at a bar once. I was cool about and told him I wasn't gay. He seemed like an actual cool dude and we had a pretty deep conversation on the root cause homosexuality. He explained that to a certain extent he was born with it, but thinks he's strong father figure caused it as well. He claimed his father was actually too stern and rarely gave him love and admiration [Image: gay.gif]. He thinks that caused him to seek that out from other males.

Cool dude overall. We also talked about why I prefer girls that are taken. Basically he said it was an anti-commitment thing and I like girls that are in relationships because subconsciously I know they are less likely to try to lock me down. That and I go into the relationship knowing the moral grounds of said female I.E. I know shes a cheater so I wouldn't get into a monogamous relationship with her regardless. Protecting myself against being cheated on in a relationship by chasing girls are already in a relationship and cheating. Like protecting yourself from fire using fire.

I like deep psychological conversations with intelligent non-judgmental people. But I've found most psychologists are quacks that try (like the rest of society) to push someone into a predefined label that they had read in a book. Most of them can't think outside of what their books tell them.

Most, if not all, are probably feminists. That's could be a problem for any guys like us if we end up needing a psychotherapist.

Maybe there are redpill ones out there..

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