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Where to start the travel?

Where to start the travel?

Hi! I'm from Hamburg, Germany. And I'm glad to find this board!

I spent 2.5 years for day- and nightgame in germany. And i hate the bad rate in this city. I think the german women are spoiled. Germany is a welfare state and the feminsmus is pretty high. An average looking girl is courted hard and the 8+ women are dating club owner, models or VIPs. I think the man / woman situation is out of balance.

Never go to hamburg for daygame! Nightgame is ok, but not easy. You have strong competion there.

But now i would rather leave hamburg. My daygame skills are not bad and i'm inquisitive how it works in foreign countries.

My first goal is to lay lots of chicks. I spent so much time to learn effective game for a few lays. Now I'm going to harvest the success. Afterwards I will focus on 8+ to find my girlfriend.

Which citys or countries are good to lay "tons" of chicks? I read lots of datasheets. The problem is: One user said it is a good place, another say it is crap. I don't know where to begin. My favourite is Thailand. Also Columbia and Brazil.
And then Poland, Ukraine and Russia (love this type of women, but it is not so easy).

Is there a country/city which is the "favourite place to get laid" on rooshv-Board?

PS: I will be pleased to answer your questions to germany!

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