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Where oh where in China

Where oh where in China

Sorry OP, didn't mean to hijack your thread.

You should be looking at 35 dollars an hour from a SCHOOL, private stuff gets us around 70 bucks for an hour and a half. I mean once you get a year or so under your belt and if you are good at what you do and make it look effortless then yeah. I know a guy that can't make under 10 grand a month but he is the exception to the rule, he's unbelieveable but he's got a wife and 2 kids to support. He used to pump gas back home. I've never met a more committed dad, he would go to hell and back for his children.

You need to be able to teach kids to make bucks though. All the elite here have kids and they want them to speak English. The secret to running a good kids class is DISCIPLINE. You must be hardcore about it or kids will crush you. I run mine like my experience in boot and I exact some heavy penalties on the kids in my class. These brats think they can get away with murder, so I go right to the parents and lecture THEM about raising kids properly. My wife and I are like drill seargents and when we work in tandem, you should see these bratty bad kids nearly piss themselves scared. I LOVE a class with bad kids, they are the most fun to see turned into hardline competitors.

I'm not kidding when I say this: You need to study animal training videos, especially obideince school vids. Watch all the videos at home about the guys who go into houses and train the dogs to behave. A kids behavior is indicative of the way he is being raised at home, if you want to kill bad behaviour you have to go right to the source, the parents. You don't need to hit kids, you can get the rest of the class to do it for you, ala Full Metal Jacket. One thing I use is that if one of the kids is acting like a jackass, the whole row will get a week's worth of homework EXCEPT for him. That behavior stops almost instantly when they realize the repercussions of their behavior affect the entire group. I walk into a school like Sgt. Slaughter from G.I. Joe, I don't say hi to individual kids, hug them or any of that touchy-feely bs, let women do that. When I walk in the class all the kids are sitting at attention with their arms folded over their desks and nobody is talking. Once you get those kids to police each other, you can teach them anything and they will hang on your every word. Second you need to run GAMES, do nothing but this. And your games must have penalties, serious ones. I say to my kids, one row will win and I smile and show a small eraser that each will get. Then I frown and become very serious and say for the rest of you losers? You get homework, a 4 page essay on what it means to live in a world of 1.3 billion competitors or something along those lines. The kids nearly sh1t themselves and at the end of the class the kids who won the erasers are doing dances outside the classroom. You will never see kids fight so hard to learn a subject unless there are serious consequences....besides games with 'permanent loses' are way more fun and adrenaline filled when you know you only have one chance to win.

If I have sh1tty kids in class, I kick them out, no if, ands or buts. I've had kids scream, cry, throw fits, one kid threw a chair through a window, this only happens once. If the Chinese come in and start kissing and hugging them, I tell them to get out too. You can't be a hypocritical douche bag in this game or you'll never get the respect you desire, your reputation is paramount and your word must be law.. You cannot be afraid to walk away from a job, it helps if you have your own apartment.

If you are going to pass one USEFUL thing on to the Chinese, you should pass on the respect that we show each other in the West. This is what they will hire you for. Any monkey can teach English, but only a few special teachers can teach RESPECT. Once you get the feel for this, you will be in demand all across the country. Every class I go to, I can literally WOW the staff there. People need to learn to respect one another. If you demand respect, and give it, you will get it.

God bless The Game!

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