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Nelson Mandela Dead

Nelson Mandela Dead

Firstly, RIP the man, the legend, Mandela.

Secondly, dated a smoking hot blonde Sth African 19yo chick a few weeks back. I knew it would get interesting.

Asked 'why did you leave Sth Africa?'. She said her mum ran over and killed a black carjacker with her in the seat at 11yo, their house in a gated compound with security guards was burgled x 4, when she was 16yo some carjackers put a gun in her best friend's mouth and stole their car. Then 2 of their 4 rottweillers were killed when poisoned meat was thrown into their compound.

Spent 3 years growing up in Germany before moving to London to study.

Sth African chicks... they make you harden the fuck up.

Not saying I can't understand why poor impoverished blacks would carjack whites but can also understand why whites would get out of the country ASAP.

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