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Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

Advice for a guy who is not that tall?

No need to resign your fate to flat assed underfed women of the Far East so early.

You have to be loud. Player I knew about your height would fill up the room with his presence, always the funniest jokes and best stories, was the most stylishly dressed and made the most of what he had by taking care of his skin and keeping a strict gym regimen looks like hes chiseled from rock. He was always in a good mood, never had a bad thing to say about anyone else and was the kind of guy everyone wanted to have around, the life of the party. Pulls quality broads of the same height some a little taller. Didn't have to wear shoes that made him taller or a haircut four inches in the the air like lots of little dudes do.

His attitude reminded of me of this line:

I'm the little motherfucker with the big dick swingin
Nuts still hangin, got hoes singin the blues


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