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[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

[Awkwardness when out alone, and advice on closing?

Thank you everyone. I read the posts a few times.

I'm gonna try again tonight to see what happens. I'll report with results. Worse case scenario: I learn something new.

Also, excellent news. I discovered that there are NIGHT BUSES! So I can leave the club at 2 20, and get on the bus a few minutes later. Awesome! I had no idea they'd still run at 1 hour intervals.

Now I need to read Samseau's dance floor thread again.

Another thing worth noting. I often hear about how "if you haven't pulled by midnight, go home", but over here in this part of north Germany, there isn't even anyone in clubs at that time. The deal is the kids go for drinks at a friend's place, and then maybe hit some bars, or directly go to clubs some time after midnight. I was a bit drunk the last times, but off the top of my head, by 3 AM, you really have no business being in a club.

Waste of your fucking time. Not that there are many landwhales but having to game 5s that you know probably won't sleep with you is just sickening. I'd bang them for sure, but those are girls I would never give a second look to in the street. My plan for tonight is to just have some fun, and be in bed by 2 or 3 o'clock. Alone or not.

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