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Shooting at Los Angeles International. TSA agent dead

Shooting at Los Angeles International. TSA agent dead

Quote: (11-01-2013 10:12 PM)CThunder86 Wrote:  

I get it that customer service is important but this is different. This isn't a cashier saying, "have a nice day."

I honestly believe people are either dumb or/and get their feelings hurt easily.

And yes there is the occasional asshole who goes on a power trip.

If like to hear stories about an instance where a TSA screener was being a jerk off. I've never once seen an instance of this

I don't fly constantly, but I do so routinely. Probably hit between 5-10 different airports a year generally.

You're right. I don't have a story of TSA being a total jerk off in my presence.

They have, however, been consistently unfriendly, abrupt and demanding.

They quickly show agitation over tiny things and instead of adopting an attitude of service, almost to the individual employee, have a strong sense of superiority.

Rather than helping you get cleared for the secure area of the airport, they are pushing and demanding, as if you owe them something.

That's why they can all go to hell.

I do recall one guy that was especially decent and offered a high level of professionalism.

By comparison, all the security in Japan and Thailand that I've seen offered a helpful, pleasant attitude and was polite.

Went so far as to request permission to search bags, even though it was mandatory.

I'm the King of Beijing!

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