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The Poland thread

The Poland thread

Quote: (05-08-2011 12:20 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

First impressions:

Girls in Poznan (pronounced kind of like Poz-nine) are *significantly* better looking than Denmark. It took me 3 days of walking around in Vesterbro (Copenhagen neighborhood) to find ONE decent chick. No exaggeration. Not the case here. The talent is very respectable.

The girls do have slavic faces with the big nose and wide cheekbones (you mustn't mind big noses like on Iranian girls if you come to Poland). They have graceful style, decent bodies, and sweetheart personalities. Ass could be a tad bigger, but I know Brazil has fucked up my perceptions on that forever.

About 33% of girls have weak or no English.

Most foreigners that stay here are young exchange students or businessmen that come through briefly for the trade fairs. Almost no real tourists.

I'm seeing promise with day game, but there's a lot of individual variation. Some girls will be really reserved/shy while others will be chatty, and I think it depends on how secure she feels with her english. Night game is much more fun though since alcohol is dirt cheap, girls are in flirting mode, and the quality is higher.

Couple more things:

1. Girls have a serious thing for guys from Spain. Girls keep asking me if I'm from there. Now I know why Pepini (from Portugal) has had such good things to say about Poland. Honestly I feel semi-famous with all the love I'm getting and right now being Sunday I'm soaking in an afterglow of sorts (great flag). This has been quite a nice surprise.

The thing is that I see Spanish guys in the bar, and unlike the stereotype of them having game, I sure don't see it. I feel like I'm out-Spanishing the Spanish guys. I hate to sound arrogant but the male competition is so weak I actually feel like I'm quite a catch here.

2. Girls actually like Americans... I can't believe it. One girl gushed about my accent before asking for my number. Apparently all Polish girls dream of going to America. I say I'm from Washington DC and the common response is, "Oh cool I want to go there!" Their interest in the USA reminds me of Brazil.

3. They won't understand why you're in Poznan, because the think it's a shitty city, and will be very skeptical in general of your intentions. Everyone (and I do mean everyone) will interrogate you on why you're here, sometimes before even asking where you're from. There's two best answers: work or study. Girl may think you're full of shit if you say you're "staying" in Poznan for any other reason since it's a "boring" business city. I use the work reason, since it's true, and it helps. One girl said, "I don't mean to be rude, but are you rich?" Compared to them, yes I am!

My experiences so far have conflicted a bit with what I've heard:

1. Polish guys. Yes they don't have much style, and they're not the best looking guys in the world, but they make up for it in masculinity and alphaness. While they don't have much approach game, it's true you see busted dudes with beautiful chicks. I guess what I'm saying is don't stall and stare at a chick all night without doing anything just so a drunk Polish guy can swoop her up.

2. One-night stand culture. Girls are DTF. A while back there was a guy bragging he bangs every night in Poland. Was he a troll? Probably. Do I see that actually happening? Yes. Quality control would be an issue but it's possible if you're a foreigner with game. Swing for a hotel room and thank me later. Forget everything you may have heard about Polish girls taking a while to get intimate and just do your thing.

3. Social circle. For at least 5-7's you can roll solo dolo and pull. Girls are so friendly to the lone foreigner that I wonder how helpful social circle work will really be from an ROI standpoint. I'm not going to bother.

4. Humor. They get light sarcasm really well. Just calibrate the girl: if she has strong english, you can joke and tease a bit more. If a girl has poor English, I give direct answers to her questions and use only obvious humor that will be impossible to miss.

Bottom line for my first weekend experience: lots of pretty, English-speaking girls who like foreigners, especially with dark complexions (sorry blonde guys!). Seriously if you look Latin, have decent style and game, you will mop the floor. Other guys should still do quite well.

It's too early to call, but I want to say that Poland is Brazil for olive-skinned guys. I'm very very very happy with how my time here is going. [Image: amuse.gif]

Great initial thoughts, Roosh.

Are you going to visit other cities in Poland as well? Be great if you could do a Bang Poland or maybe even a Bang Eastern Europe if you visit enough EE countries.

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