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Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (10-22-2013 12:29 PM)gringo newf Wrote:  

Blah blah blah chillax there buddy. I can be sarcastic sort at times so don't get your knickers in a knot. I meant no offense. [Image: angel.gif]

I thought about my comments before I made them.

And, now you are saying that your comments were meant to be sarcastic, and you did not really mean them?

Quote: (10-22-2013 12:29 PM)gringo newf Wrote:  

My experiences are based having travelled in about 50 countries and having lived on 5 continents.

For some reason your claimed wide breadth of travel is NOT inspiring confidence in me; however, there may be a few guys on reading this thread who are impressed by such claims.

Quote: (10-22-2013 12:29 PM)gringo newf Wrote:  

Anyhow, I'll admit some guys are into the Asian thing but having known many guys that have been to both areas I've yet to meet one that claimed the women are better in SEA over SA.

You admit some guys are into "the Asian thing," but you have done a survey of all of your friends over the years... yes.. this is not inspiring confidence. Especially, based on what you have already posted here in your earlier posts, I gather that you may NOT have even been listening to what these guys you are surveying have to say b/c you have your own preference that you were likely hearing. Another possibility is that all your friends are just like you. Do you have any better sources, besides, you and your friends believe this so it must be true?

Quote: (10-22-2013 12:29 PM)gringo newf Wrote:  

Have you or Rionomad been to both areas extensively??? Doesn't look like it from your profiles.

It is irrelevant whether Rio and/or I have traveled or not. You are the one making the various claims about an objective difference that you have NOT substantiated to hardly any degree, except to say that you and some of your friends believe this to be the case.

All I am saying that there is no problem with those kinds of assertions based on personal preferences, so long as you do NOT make them out to be universal values and appeals to some kind of objective Authority.

Quote: (10-22-2013 12:29 PM)gringo newf Wrote:  

Perhaps your emotional responses are based on the fact you've seen one (ie. SEA) and not the other...

Again, I have thought through my comments, and your comments back to me have only made accusations toward me, which causes me to conclude that you have not quite thought through your response. Accordingly, you have not attempted to provide a basis for your knowledge and not got at the root of the problem, which so far has been your failure/refusal to provide a basis for your knowledge, and instead you go on the attack about irrelevant points (the basis of any knowledge that Rio or I may or may not have).

There is still time for you to provide a basis for your conclusions (besides bare assertions) and to provide some detail about how you arrived at your conclusions (besides just that me and my friends believe this to be true), and possibly, if you made some reasoned response based on specific personal experiences, then that may be helpful to RVF members?

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