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Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Is Colombia or SEA best for my first trip?

Quote: (10-22-2013 12:06 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2013 11:25 AM)gringo newf Wrote:  

I'm so one sided with my preferences (I know they are more extreme than most) but if a girl doesn't have an ass and a western type of face I ain't interested at all which basically no Asian woman has.

Gringo Newf:

If you are so one-sided in your preferences, as you admit, then why did you NOT say some words to that effect in your first post, rather asserting that you have some objectivity and then to make various denigrations of guys whose preferences may vary from yours, including guys who may have preferences for Asian women?

Each of us has a right to our personal preferences... that's for sure, but you likely are gonna mislead guys when you post as if your preference is some kind of universal value that all guys should share.

Quote: (10-22-2013 10:36 AM)gringo newf Wrote:  

Usually guys that rave about SEA have never been to South America or are these weak insecure types who want women they can control like slaves (its just not sex they are into). Bottom line forget SEA / Asia and concentrate on South America!

Above is an example of you unnecessarily denigrating guys for their preferences, and suggesting that you carry some kind of authority based on supposedly that you have been and seen representative areas of both areas.

The reasons for guys having preferences for either area (SEA or S. America) can be much more varied than you are describing.

Also, I agree with Rio that once you have made fairly strong assertions, you need to provide various explanations, based on experience about why you have come to such conclusions. And, also describe various known limitations in your experiences that inform or fail to inform your conclusions - b/c even based on your backtracking in your second and third posts, I have little confidence that your conclusions are very well backed up by any kind of breadth of experiences and authority that your first post implies.

Edit: Also, I just looked at your profile, and I see that you claim to be rolling with $10,000 plus per month, and if that is the case, then you are also going to have a different set of experiences from a large number of guys on this forum weighing advantages and disadvantages of SEA vs S. America. A large number of guys on this forum are rolling with $3,000 or less per month to these areas, which is going to inform their experiences or expectations of experiences differently from yours.

Blah blah blah chillax there buddy. I can be sarcastic sort at times so don't get your knickers in a knot. I meant no offense. [Image: angel.gif]

My experiences are based having travelled in about 50 countries and having lived on 5 continents. Anyhow, I'll admit some guys are into the Asian thing but having known many guys that have been to both areas I've yet to meet one that claimed the women are better in SEA over SA.

Have you or Rionomad been to both areas extensively??? Doesn't look like it from your profiles. Perhaps your emotional responses are based on the fact you've seen one (ie. SEA) and not the other...

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