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Wroclaw Report

Wroclaw Report

Quote: (10-14-2013 05:52 PM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

Just finished my scouting mission of Wroclaw Poland. Was originally only going to do 4 days, for recon purposes, but I liked it so much I ended up staying for 12.

The City

The name of the city is pronounced "vro-tze-wavh".

The biggest thing wroclaw has going for it is the density of girls. I have never seen such a high concentration of talent in such a small area. There are at least 4 big schools located downtown, striaght drowning the central square in 18-24 y/o pussy.

The Girls

Wroclaw girls are, in a word, gorgeous. Yes, there are some butterfaces, but there are nearly as many beautiful faces too. I think the reason the polish butterface problem gets so much airtime is because everything else on the average polish girl is near perfection.

Bodies almost always sexy. Typical long, shapely Slavic legs. Very feminine. Titties were not as big as I was expecting/hyped to believe. Most girls are A - B cup size. C's and above are quite rare. Anglo girls have bigger tits, for sure.

One of the best aspects of polish girls is that when I was thirsty, and dressed decent to nice, most would return my hungry stare. Wroclaw is the only city I could afford to wait for eye contact, and still get in enough approaches. If you don't care to wait for eyes, there will be a suitable target to approach nearly every minute. Often multiples. Never seen anything like it. Worth mentioning that after oversexing by my main girl, the stares I got dropped off significantly.

Finally, polish girls say funny shit all the time, unintentionally. Has something to do with the language conversion. Like grade school beat poetry, from another planet;

"Sorry,was about to text u back i. The morning,but got armagedon at work...1st lazy dee minutes since morning...hmmm...ur 1st time...already done..."

And here's another one of my favorites;

" Haha,flirting with me? Not really ok,just my hangover do me care not prticular strangers..anyhow hope u'll find some good time as well...not only zombies;-)"

The only country I've visited that had more consistent comedic butchering of the English language was Taiwan.

Night game:

Nightlife is definitely poppin' in Wroclaw. Every night of the week there is at least 1 good club option.

Tried some club game 6 nights out with a few other RvF'ers. It was very easy to open and hold conversation in Wroclaw. Lots of dirty dancing. Its a good city for game newbies. Closing however, is another matter entirely. Every girl I had a strong sexual vibe with would always "have to go", or flake out unexpectedly.

Most club girls I met had serious boyfriends (I always ask). Actually, a wing & I did pull a horny 2 set back to their house, but when we got there, my girl lived with her boyfriend! (This was an hour after the dancefloor, where she was placing my hands on her ass) Talk about a buzzkill...

I did get a bunch of phone numbers at the clubs, but got cockblocked on the follow up by my phone (more on this later).


Online game options were average, to not so good. City is too small for volume to be high enough. The best site I found for pipelining was There is a membership fee. Honestly there are so many targets walking around all day, I'm not sure it's needed, but every little bit helps.


I am primarily a daygamer. The best spots for me were:

Old town square (Ryneck)
Wroclaw univeristy student street (Kuznicza)
Main city street (Swidnick)
The big shopping mall (Galeria dominikanska)
The tram system (everywhere)
The Wyspa parks (north of city center, just west of Wroclaw cathedral)

I ran dedicated daygame 5 days out of my 12. Got just over a dozen phone numbers, 3 instadates (2-3 hours long), 3 proper day 2 dates, and 1 bang.

So why the low conversion? 3 reasons:

1. Polish girl conservatism

My standard game is to get to sex as fast as possible. With most western girls, if you dont strike while the pussy is hot, they loose interest, and move on to the next validation/stimulus providing experience.

Wroclaw girls don't do this. They dont get bored so easily. In fact, most were quite content just being in my company. For a guy used to having to entertain big up front, this was both a breath of fresh air, but also a bit boring hanging out with such easy to please girls. Learning to sprinkle in some beta game was a learning curve as well;
Me: "I like you"
Polish girl, *big smile* "I like also. With you!"

2. User error

I made the tragic mistake of not ensuring my polish Sim card was working properly.

My suspicions were confirmed by my wings only at the end of my stay, that many of my txts never got delivered to them. It cost me bangs. Learn from my mistake. Had inbound follow up interest from many prospects, but most never saw my flirts back. Some truly heartbreaking missed connections.

One girl who I instadated for 3 hours txt'd me variations on, "how long will you stay?, and "when can I see you again?" 4 times the next day. I didn't understand at the time why my txts back didn't answer her (she never got them) :/

Most girls I met did not have minutes available for voice chat either, leaving text as the only option.

The 3rd and happy reason is that I hooked up with a leggy sweetheart the first day of my trip. Although I didn't get the bang until our 3rd meet, she kept my drive in check by providing sex and homecooked food every other day.

I asked HBlegs why she lived in a room with her little brother. "I make the small money" was her answer.

Some Poles make a good living, although the average earns just $800 usd per month. At least the cost of living is cheap. Avg polish girls live a no frills life compared to a westerner. In fact, HBlegs refused to allow me to buy her dinner. Even after I banged her. Quite content sipping her green tea, watching me eat what she must have considered to be an exorbitant splurge.


Wroclaw is a great city for game. If you haven't picked up Bang Poland, do it already. The girls in Wroclaw not easy, but they are hot, feminine, and above all plentiful. I will always wonder, had my txts been working, would I have fucked 4 extra girls? God only knows. Sure, more quantity would have been nice.

But with quality like this...who am I to complain? [Image: wink.gif]

Jesus great report. I will start reading bang poland soon - thanks for the tip.

Overall what can you expect to pay for rent in the city center per month/week/day?

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