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A Marxist critique of Roosh V

A Marxist critique of Roosh V

She set up a succession of strawmen and knocked them down to accomplish her goal of smearing someone with right-leaning views. Marxists have intellectual standing? Their class theory of value, their crucial lack of a marginalist theory, their dogmatic view that only they can claim to know the truth and all else that preceded Marx in the history of civilization was mere "ideology" - all of these are fatal flaws. They don't. In their rebuttals - even by academics, what Marxism offers as their intellectual heavyweights - to economists like Bohm-Bawerk and Paul Samuelson, they literally just insult their critics.

It's beyond pathetic. A central tenet of their philosophy is that "Religion is the opiate of the masses". It's hilarious that they don't see the irony.

The economic failings are only surpassed by those of its social counterpart, Cultural Marxism. In Karl Marx's favor though, he called for the abolition of the family, and let four of his own children die to neglect, so he can't be accused of being a hypocrite.

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