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A Marxist critique of Roosh V

A Marxist critique of Roosh V

I have taken an interest in the work of Karl Marx over the past year.

As such - I often stumble across online articles to do with the revivial of Marxism (since the 2008 financial crash).

Anyway - I was just reading a story today. And buried in there, was a link to a Marxist critique of Roosh V's Don't Bang Demark.

I was pretty surprised myself. The last thing I expected to see was a reference to Roosh V when I am reading about Marxism.

Here is a link to the article I was reading:

And here is the link to the Marxist critique of Roosh V's book:

The article on Roosh V is from the latest issue of Dissent magazine.


Dissent is a quarterly magazine of politics and ideas. Establishing itself as one of America’s leading intellectual journals in 1954, it has since published articles by Hannah Arendt, Norman Mailer, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Ellen Willis, Richard Wright, George Packer, and many others.

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