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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-13-2013 12:29 AM)MaleDefined Wrote:  

once you reach a certain point of life competence it becomes more about not fucking up, rather than thinking about the moves.

Yes, exactly. When you reach a level of competence, you often Game Less. It's more about letting the seduction happen without getting in your own way and without taking unnecessary chances.

It becomes more about efficiency rather than sheer effort.

"Don't Fuck It Up Game", as we say..

For me, this often means letting the girl talk, letting her open up and connect herself to me. Not trying to be too funny or too witty, just being more quiet and relaxed. Keeping my body movements slow and aloof. Not looking the girl intensely in her eyes, not making her the center of my universe, not putting direct pressure on her. Etc.

It's just like a great athlete or a great fighter. They are not eager and hyper, they are calm and at ease. They might appear to be losing but they never show desperation.

It's like when a great football team is losing but everyone just knows that they will come back and win. They don't go crazy, the just keep calm and get it done one play at a time.

There is a fine line between trying hard and trying too hard.

Trying too hard looks desperate and needy.

When it looks effortless, you are really good.

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