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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

100 notches is not hard to get if you have enough things in your life in order. Hell, I got to 100 and I am not super-muscled nor rich. Yeah, always in a better-than-average tax-bracket, but not rich. I will take you through the different phases of my life.

High-School Years: I had exactly ONE notch. This 21 year old who worked at the same department store dropped those panties for me (I was 17 at the time)

College Years: Only 4 notches during that time. I had a steady girl for about 2.5 years of those years that slowed me. science degree + software engineering job + new city + new apartment (in nice suburb) + new car

Age 22-30: Between dealing with intercity girls in Pittsburgh who were tired of dealing with "do nothing in life guys", discovering Toronto (1990's) and small USA towns, BUSINESS PICKED UP! I was banging an average of 7-8 NEW chicks per year. The recipe was similar to what I talk about in other posts. I exploited the fact that most women want someone to settle down with. I will not deny that race and economics played a role as most african-american men were not at the educational level, professional career path and tax-bracket as myself, so many black women (USA or Canada) were easy pickings. I also started the international travel to Brazil and a few other Latin-American nations.

Age 31+: Even further along in career and now homeowner, so even more attractive to women. Yes, I kept myself in decent shape, but definitely no model. Now hitting Latin-American & Caribbean nations regularly and taking advantage of being a perceived "successful man" that woman want to be with. The new-chick banging average is lower but now there is less time and I want better quality of chicks.

It's not that hard.

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