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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Ive had sex with around 275+ women. I am neither proud of it, nor do I expect people to be impressed by the fact.

Folks are asking: how did you do it, don't just brag about the numbers. Here's how I did it:

1. I have been sexually active for over 20+ years

2. I have lived in major cities throughout my teenage years and adulthood

3. I am 6' broad shouldered and generally attractive.

4. I was a waiter in my teens and bartender from age 21-29ish when I finished grad school. Waitresses generally want to fuck bartenders and I got with at least 1 waitress or female bartender at every job I worked at. In some cases more.

5. I'm somewhat of a natural from mid-game to end game. If a woman is alone with me, it is usually on if I want that.

6. I have fucked every woman who passes the boner test that would allow me to. This includes married women and women with boyfriends when I was younger. Until I learned some karma lessons. I will NEVER fuck a married woman again. I don't care if it's giselle bundchen.

7. I spammed messages on OKCupid and Match and have pulled at least 50 girls from that

8. Always taken care of my body, nutrition, weightlifting, grooming.

9. I have a seductive way of doing eye contact. I didn't learn it from anywhere it's natural. This sounds gay, but I know at least 20% of the girls I've been with looked into my eyes and it was game over.

10. I got laid when my logistics were bad, but my logistics now are RETARDED good. I live on a major street in a major city, with tons of drunk horny girls.

11. Girls have been between 4-9s. I haven't been very discriminating. Still the substantial majority of the girls were 6,7ish with many 8s.

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