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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

100 lays isn't common BUT go in the right environments and you'll meet lots of people who are "sexually active"...

It all comes down to logistics, if your in an ideal situation like Gman stated where your living downtown right across the street from the clubs THEN you can literally have sex ALMOST EVERYDAY. My boy used to live a block from my fav venue and lets just say the schedule at this venue...
- Mondays from 2 to 8pm POOL PARTY
- Tuesdays MODEL NIGHT
- Wednesdays low key (nightcap early)
- Thursdays PACKED (you'll find a wide range of attractive women)
- Friday MODELS
- Saturday 6pm MODELS at day party and models late night
- Sunday 6pm MODELS

No matter how AMAZING I am, logistics at some point slow me down. I've had WEEKS where I'm leaving with a chick BUT we have nowhere to bang. (this is why I went on a rampage of public sex to the point that I didn't even care if anyone seen me) All in all though, this comes down to someones LIFESTYLE GOALS...

One month I'll be whoring it up and the next month I'd be having so much fun living life that I don't even want to have sex. I had a recent facebook chat where my boy was calling me out as to why I watch pornstars when "chick" who also can read the messages wants me to fuck her...When you can have sex at anytime you want, you tend to do it when YOU TRULY ENJOY IT. No "sport fucking".

P.S...Only time I think I'd ever have sex ALMOST everyday is when I travel. Based on past experiences the times I've gone on a whore-fest was when I was alone. I still remember a female friend stating she once seen me blackedout in one of my fav hipster hideaways. I've had soooo much sex in that bathroom and during that time, almost lost a friendship out of it since my boy could no longer take the fact that I would just "disappear" and not say anything.

P.S.S...The average "nightlife" dude probably has sex every 3-6 months and "community" dudes who are GOOD chasers, 1x monthly or bi-monthly. Now the FASCINATING MEN 1-2x a week MAX since most people tend to have a moment of "love" where they just have a short term relationship. This is based on people I see/know as I first used to think guys in this "high end" scene were banging tons of chicks. In reality, only a select few were "consistent"

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