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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-10-2013 03:38 PM)LeightonBlackstock Wrote:  

I think every worldwide traveler should spend a month in South Korea, just to truly see that you can actually have a NEGATIVE exotic capital for being a white man in an Asian country.

In my opinion, the "All Asian girls love white guys" myth was born out the fallacy that parallels can be drawn between the 1% of Thai girls who are in the sex industry, and the remaining 99% who are not.

Though being a foreigner in a country will always bring something to the table, Asia or not.

I agree. Even guys on this forum have misconceptions about SEA based on what they have heard and read, and continue to spout them off as truth even though they are clueless. Hell, there's been more than a few RVF guys who came here to BKK, never left lower Sukhumvit/Whore Central, and come out blasting the country as having ugly women who are all hookers. It seems a couple of these guys were FOB Indian/Arabs though, and they will get no love here. The ridiculously smelly, socially awkward and rude mannered Indians/Arabs who come to BKK have ruined it for the normal ones.

Thailand girls basically break down like this:

Isaan girls: In Thailand you get a big DHV with the Isaan girls. They are mostly poor and having a white husband for them is a status symbol. These girls are considered undesirable and ugly by middle class and upper class Thais, but some are definitely hot.

Then you have your standard middle class girls. I mostly target these girls. The young University student who may or may not have her own car, and whose parents work corporate type of jobs for a living. With these girls some love white guys, some wouldn't ever fuck with a white guy, and I'd say the large majority of them are open to it, but not actively looking for it.

Then you get into the upper class/rich girls, and for them being with a foreigner is a DLV. If you are youngish, decent looking, and well put together then it reduces that DLV a bit, but still many upper class girls wouldn't be caught dead fucking with you. However, there is still a subset of these girls who are just into white dick. Just like some white girls are into black dick.

Most people will never experience more than the Isaan semi-pros and hookers of Sukhumvit though, and then make blanket statements about 75 million people on the internet.

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