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Girl asks you to lend her money

Girl asks you to lend her money

Quote: (10-10-2013 07:01 PM)Tigre Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2013 06:46 AM)klosck Wrote:  

I am curious what my fellow RVFers would do... as I'm sure others have ran into this before. Would you just flat out tell her no...or would you mess with her?

Personally, I would lend the money.

But only do it if you feel
a) the person is trustworthy
b) they have the capacity to pay you back
c) you're comfortable doing it

I'm coming more from a Latin American point of view. Which is kind of relevant if this girl is from Peru.

It's hard to explain all the factors behind it and I don't want to make this an unnecessarily long post.

Just understand that in Latin America, being able to do this kind of favor like it's no big deal is highly respected. In some ways, it separates the men from the boys.

Government benefits basically don't exist here and banks are dysfunctional and hard to deal with. Sometimes all you have to depend on is your network.

I'm sure lending a girl money may be acceptable in some other cultures, but the only cultures which I fully understand are Latin American and American culture. Would I lend an American girl money? Hell no. Would I lend a girl from Latin America money? Maybe, if the three prongs mentioned by Tigre were present and I felt extra-confident that she would pay me back.

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