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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I get this shit off friends in the UK all the time.

I've spent several years in Asia in the past. I spent most of that in BKK, but I also spent several months in Tokyo, Kyoto, Seoul, and Singapore. I was out at least 5 times a week, and yet I can count on one hand the number of white men that I saw with legit 7s in my whole time there, let alone 8s and up.

An average nice guy can however, rack up a fair amount of mediocre 5s and 6s if he approaches a lot (or uses online dating), and is able to avoid getting pressured into a relationship (many seem to fail at that). 100 is still not going to be easy for the average man though, especially if they don't use online dating.

Regarding the original topic, I'm well past 100 excluding Asians, and I don't even have good game, money, looks, or logistics (I am ripped in a skinny way though, and make an effort with my dress). I just go out a lot, take the rough with the smooth when it comes to quality, and really put the pressure on (the occasional notch is James Bond smooth, but the majority are the result of me staying out until the bitter end, targeting stragglers, and doing or saying whatever it takes to get the bang).

Rio and DVY have given great advice in this thread, but I would just add that you need to watch your alcohol intake if you go out a lot. It really does help get girls, but it creeps up quickly and you can develop problems sooner than you think. I have liver damage which has caused me to become quite badly anemic. It should heal with time, but it was a bit of a wake up call for me to get my drinking under control before I get cirrhosis.

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