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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-10-2013 12:27 AM)soup Wrote:  

I say the guy who consistently bangs higher quality women, albeit at a lesser rate, has, on the surface, better game than the guy who bangs 100s of average girls.

I don't think I'd have much against banging 100 average chics interrupted by a few hot chics here or there. I'm equally as concerned with how a girl is in the sack as well as her general vibe as I am with her appearance. Give me ten 6s and 7s who are awesome in bed over one 8 who's a dead fish any day.

Quote: (10-09-2013 09:31 PM)houston Wrote:  

Id never heard of the white worship with Asians until this forum.

I've heard it mostly outside the forum, mainly from Western chics, Asian guys in Asia (if they have no game usually rationalise it by saying their girls all want foreigners), and drunken backpackers.

I remember the Western girls I studied with in China were all convinced local girls would literally throw themselves at foreign white men. The idea was usually backed by confirmation bias: see a foreign guy with a local girl? Yep, it can only be because she goes bonkers for foreigners, and I'd frequently hear comments like "Wow, it really is impossible for a guy to get rejected here." They quite literally believed local girls had zero standards whatsoever for a guy as long as he was white.

I lived with a Western-raised Middle Eastern former-FWB for five months, whom, despite my best efforts, I could not unconvince of this belief. Actually, I didn't do a good job at disproving it, since I brought lots of girls home with me and always had a lot of girls I was going out with. Since she'd never seen me with all the other women who'd rejected me, she assumed I was like a kid in a candy store.

It's kinda racist really: in a way, it assumes girls in those countries are so trashy/desperate they have zero standards and will fuck a pot bellied homeless drug addict just to get their hands on some white dick. On the other hand, it makes us look bad, too. After putting in all the work, going through the rejections night after night, and ending up pulling a cute girl to reap the fruits of your efforts, you then hear some retarded comment such as "Pffff, all the girls here are just throwing themselves at you, anyway. They think you're a white god."

[Image: facepalm.png]

Alright, after getting that off my chest, enough racetalk. Hopefully, now we can get back on topic.

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