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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-09-2013 02:26 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Too many stupid replies in this thread, I can't waste my time with them all. Some of you guys are so insecure it makes me wonder how you have the balls to even approach a girl.

But my original comment was that the difficulty of banging white chicks vs. banging asian chicks, especially if you go to asia, is dramatically different and anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.

Straight up - it takes way less game to fuck an asian girl, than a white girl, especially if it's an asian girl in asia. Asian girls in America are still easier than white girls but not to the same degree; I've met asian girls here in America who write me postcards back from Vietnam (or whatever shithole country they are from) after spending not even a few hours just chatting with them. I didn't bang because I didn't find them attractive enough.

The fact that asian girls worship white mean means it takes less game to bang them, which is the original point of this thread - is banging 100+ girls nothing?

And again, the difficulty of banging 100+ asian girls is about the same difficulty as banging 30+ white chicks. (as a white man)

Now, you may find asian girls better than white chicks; I don't care. That's between a man and his boner. I know what I prefer (boyish bodies and flat faces are whatever) but if you prefer differently then I don't judge. Not to mention, I've already sung the virtues of asian girls before.

Quote:Scotian Wrote:

Kind of ironic how RVF's most anti-Latino, anti-black, "the white race/culture is going down the tubes" wind bag isn't even white himself eh?

I don't like to start shit on here but I get tired of hearing that guy's racist diatribes.

You need to chill the fuck out. I don't appreciate your slander. Just because you have the ability to bang fatties does not mean I'm hating on you. I look at the boner as a very neutral force in the world - if you get hard for fatties, then so be it. If you get hard for men, so be it. If you get hard for ladyboys, so be it. If you get hard for animals... just don't tell anyone about it. If you get hard for children, well that's fucked up and I'm gonna draw the line. But even for the pedophile, at least I can understand what motivates them - the same thing that motivates me to smash young pussy.

But the boner is the boss and ultimately men must give respect to the almighty boner. Wars have been fought for boners.

Next - just because I point out the truth - that you all live in a white culture and benefit immensely from it, and the destruction of white culture will make the world a worse place - will automatically make me unpopular in today's white-bashing zeitgeist. If the truth disturbs you, not my problem.

As for my own skin color, it's great to see who the real racists on these boards are - the ones who obsess over what skin color I am, as if it makes any difference.

Another long winded, convoluted rant, Samseau you can't come onto threads and insult members of the forum and not expect your hypocrisy and bigotry to be called out once in awhile, deal with it bud.

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