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LA vs Vegas living

LA vs Vegas living

Why don't you get a short term lease in Vegas and live there for 6 months or so and figure out if you like it. Take little trips to L.A. and explore.

L.A. doesn't know what a short term apartment is. You'd be locked into paying 1300 a month for a year just for rent in some lousy place.

If you come to vegas first your moving expenses to LA would be something like 300 bucks.

Disagree about there being nothing to do but party in Vegas. Mount Charleston (mountain top forests), Red Rock (gorgeous rock climbing/hiking), and Lake Mead (skiing swimming) are in the backyard.

You think LA isn't a desert? Tell me how many trees you see that aren't planted.

Trust me, you aren't going to feel like driving 30 minutes to go three miles to the grocery store just to run into 4 bums, people with shitty attitudes, and overpriced food.

There were times when I really loved LA but I'd never want to live there again unless I was a millionaire.

Edit - Just read through the rest of the comments. Guys talking about "I can't stand the place after 3 days". Well no shit, you came and binged out and now you want to go home and sleep it off and not in a hotel you're probably sharing with some other dude.

Just read the comment about you liking the Valley.....not sure what to say about that.

You go out in L.A. and tell girls you live in the Valley and even the ones that live there won't want to talk to you.

Who cares if girls in Vegas are gold diggers (there's plenty that aren't), they still want to bang. Girls in LA are status diggers and gold diggers.

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