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The "truth" behind non-natural bodybuilding...

The "truth" behind non-natural bodybuilding...

Quote: (09-18-2013 06:35 AM)Kristian Wrote:  

for those who have been using tren.

did u experienced side effects?The people I know who used it(5 in total),didnt suffered any of their side effects...also the maximum quantity per week they used were 300 mg/ml.

Its well known that the side effects appear using more than 500 per week during a period of more than 10 weeks

"Its well known that the side effects appear using more than 500 per week during a period of more than 10 weeks" these blanket statements are silly, this is highly individual, some guys will face sides on little to no tren while others like myself can take loads and not feel much.

Funny thing with tren is side effects will appear as soon as you hit about 100mg per day, before that its minor but they dont get exceptionally worse the higher you go. Ive been as high as 300mg/day , 2100mg per week and the results were awesome while the sides weren't any worse than they were at 100mg per day. There are tricks of the trade in running low test alongside thatll cut back on sides significantly, depending on which symptoms you have either prami or caber as needed help eliminate many of the other sides. Some like decreased cardio output just take time to get used to. For those prone to anxiety, there isnt much that can be done to help for that so you just have to try it and see how it affects you. Blood pressure will go up but this varies amongst users, mine stays comfortably within range no matter how much I use but those with shit diets, those who dont do cardio and those just prone can have it get into dangerous ranges, just something to watch and keep an eye on but on a forum of 5k+ users who live on tren, its not as big an issue as its made out to be, just something everyone should monitor for safety sake. The more experience you have with tren the easier the rides get, I ran it for nearly 7 months out of the last year, im gonna adapt to it a lot more than the guy who uses it for 12-16 weeks once and doesnt touch it again for another year+ but even their subsequent runs will get easier.

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