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How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 12:06 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Living out in the burbs a huge portion of the girls I find are religious. I'll see a hotty in the pics, profile is acceptable, then the last line will be "I'm looking for a man that has let the light of Christ into his life"


I was chatting with one chick who was laying it on that she was into me and attracted but not a quick bang so if thats what I wanted i should move on. So I responded with how long is not quick, that made her feisty so she went on about having the utmost respect for herself, so I said that's a nice way to say stuck up, she said stuck ups a bitch im god fearing huge difference. I said not to me, and clicked the chat window closed. I'll go along with the girls who say they don't put out cuz they usually do but the religous zealots are too much, I cant even bother humoring them for a couple lines.

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