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Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Quote: (04-19-2011 04:57 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-19-2011 07:58 AM)nomadicdude Wrote:  

I can't stand dealing with Asian girls when they have crap English, especially in Thailand where they just sound awful sometimes.

Dude, you went to their country and you're complaining they don't speak your (foreign) language good enough??? I can't fucking believe it! Entitlement phrases like that are the reason why Americans are considered arrogant jerks pretty much everywhere around the world. As a further example of hypocrisy, here in the USA they complain about "for English press one, for Spanish press two".

What I meant is that it's sorta messed up when guys go to these countries and "date" Asian women who don't really even speak English. I mean let's face it, they are just doing it for the pussy. I'm just saying that I can't do that. I can't put up with it just for the pussy.

I didn't mean that these chicks should learn better English. I don't give a fuck if they speak English in general, but when it comes to supposed "dating" then I think it's just fucking retarded what foreign guys do in these Asian countries. At least in the Philippines guys can have a real relationship with a girl because she speaks decent English.

I hate fucking retarded Americans and I don't consider myself one.

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