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Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

I'm in Boracay right now and it's not bad. Manila is a dump, I got out after two days, but Boracay is really chill and the beaches are amazing. The nightlife is pumping right now because its Holy Week. Lots of hot Phil girls as well as tourist chicks from Taiwan, Japan, and S. Korea.

I think the big thing about the Phil that I like is that they speak English. I can't stand dealing with Asian girls when they have crap English, especially in Thailand where they just sound awful sometimes. I don't know, it seems like the Phil is more Americanized and I just feel more comfortable here talking to chicks. Today I was on the beach and two girls starting talking to me. I could have a normal conversation with them just as if they were from the US - I can't do that elsewhere in Asia because of the language/cultural barrier.

So yeah, I sorta like the Phil. It's not bad. Sure the food is awful but I just stick to western places or go to the all you can eat buffets they have in Boracay. The girls may not be as hot as elsewhere but there are a ton of above average looking girls along with some hot Asian tourists. So overall it's not bad. It's cheap too, though accommodation is more expensive than elsewhere in SE Asia.

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