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Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

It seems like the main advantages of the Phillipines are as follows:

1. Extremely low cost.
2. Ease of getting laid.
3. English speaking and somewhat Americanized (easier to adapt to).

I'd say you'd likely be right about Taiwan, Japan, Korea, etc. Girls in these places are likely more stylish and significantly taller.

The problem is these girls aren't quite as easy to get in bed, and their locales are far more expensive to live in, visit and sarge/date in. That and, to maximize your success in a place like Korea and Japan and have a shot at higher tier women there, you need to know the language.

The PI is just a ridiculous value. Keep in mind, Pinays are very cute. Sure, they don't have as many stunners as the Japanese and Koreans(or, arguably, even the Thais). They're not as stylish as northeast Asians either, I'll agree(probably has something to do with economics). They're also short (average height for females there is 4'11"). But the average pinay is still pretty cute: she lacks body fat, has a trim body, and has a pretty chill persona on top of being relatively more DTF earlier on than your average Korean/Japanese girl. There aren't many stunners, but there aren't so many trolls/land whales either. They seem to cluster right around 7(on a 10 scale). If you're like me and you actually don't mind and maybe slightly prefer short chicks* then its even better for you.

In short, you might not see as many 9's walking around as you'd like...but there is an abundance of cute, down to earth and down to **** 7s who are young (or very young looking/well kept even into older age), in good shape (tight, fairly toned bodes, some of the better asses in Asia) and remarkably open to dating foreigners (if you're a black American, it beats Korea by a million miles and is one of the most welcoming places in Asia for you to go). Maybe you aren't DYING to approach these girls, but you you'd probably consider them all solidly bangable...and you can have a veritable parade of them if you so chose. Combine this abundance with the prevalence of English (minimal adaptive effort required) and the absurdly low cost of living and you honestly have a pretty solid deal.

Not hard to justify going there repeatedly, I'd imagine.

*I'm not sure where my preference for relatively small girls came from. I'm of average US height(5'10"). Maybe its the East Indian ancestry from 3-4 generations back, I dunno, but Fillipinas' small stature is a plus for me.

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