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Game Breakthrough - Brutal Honesty

Game Breakthrough - Brutal Honesty

I know this is going to sound all nice guyish but if you really do care about her well-being and happiness, just cut her out of your life. She's accepting your terms out of emotional vulnerability and hope that you might change. It seems you are determined to do your thing. So don't keep her around if you actually care about her. She needs to find a guy who wants what she wants. This is even more important for women as they don't have time to waste their peak years going down a dead end street. The last girl I was long-term term involved with wanted to be serious and I didn't. She was approaching 30 which is a crucial age for women looking to nest before they hit the wall in a few years. To string her along would be robbing her of her time. It's worse than a guy with oneitis who spends years in a girl's friend zone while she's fucking every bad boy she can get her hands on. Let her go so she can move on. That's the right thing to do if you actually give a shit about her.

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